Cosmetics Brüggemann­Alcohol

Natural, sustainable or functional: Our cosmetic range of ethanol grades 

Premium Ethanol for Perfume, Cosmetics, and More: Unveiling Our Excep­tional Quality and Bene­fits

In order to fulfil the highest sensory demands, whether it be in the manu­fac­turing of perfume, as an ingredient in cosmetics or as a natural preser­vative, our specially trained employees carry out continuous organ­o­leptic tests on our phar­ma­ceut­ical-grade ethanol during manu­fac­turing. These products also meet the European Phar­ma­co­poeia standard (EP). You can also see our high quality stand­ards for your­self with an audit at our company.

What advant­ages can you expect by using our ethanol for your cosmetic applic­a­tions?

  • Customer-specific dena­turing
  • Dena­turing for certi­fied organic natural cosmetics
  • Controlled biolo­gic­ally cultiv­ated alcohol
  • Customer-specific amounts, defined by your formulas
  • Support from our labor­atory
  • Product approval and certi­fic­a­tion (ISO, HACCP, KbA, Kosher and others)
A selec­tion of our cosmetic qual­itiesContainer sizes
Ethanol 96%, EPEthanol 100%, EP
  • 30l can
  • 200l drum
  • 1.000l IBC
  • Bulk in tank truck
  • Bulk in tank wagon
undena­tured undena­tured
dena­tured with 0,5kg DEPdena­tured with 0,5kg DEP
dena­tured with 5kg IPA+78g TBdena­tured with 5kg IPA+78g TB
dena­tured with 0,8g Bitrex +78g TBdena­tured with 0,8g Bitrex +78g TB
dena­tured with 0,7kg Corrigaldena­tured with 0,7kg Corrigal

We will also happily dena­ture our products with a dena­turing agent supplied by you in our premises.

Your personal contact Miriam Rauch is happy to help – get in touch with us!


Personal contact

Loredana Lieto-Holderrieth


Tel.: +49 7131 1575-811

Fax: +49 7131 15 75-888 

loredana.lieto-holderrieth (at)

Linda Hegele


Tel.: +49 7131 1575-807

Fax: +49 7131 15 75-888

linda.hegele (at)