Food and Flavours Brüggemann­Alcohol

Undenatured or naturally denatured: Our drinking alcohol has versatile uses

Our beverage alcohol forms the basis for many applic­a­tions in the food industry. It has a range of uses and is sure to impress with its neut­rality and purity. The diversity of its applic­a­tions is matched only by the demands of the food industry. Other demands are fulfilled, for example, with our ethanol, tested in accord­ance with phar­ma­co­poeia, or by using func­tional or natural denat­ur­a­tion agents.

Ethanol for food & flavours
Beverage alcohol
Ethanol 96%, EP
Ethanol 99%, EP
Ethanol with func­tional, natural or indi­vidual denat­ur­a­tion

Uses of ethanol in food

Our ethanol has multiple applic­a­tions in the food industry: whether as a preser­vative, disin­fectant or separ­ating agent.

Many food manu­fac­turers rely on the multi­tude of char­ac­ter­istics of ethanol: 

  • Ethanol is added directly to foods as an ingredient, preser­vative or separ­ating agent.
  • Ethanol also comes indir­ectly into contact with food when it is used as a cleaning agent or disin­fectant for manu­fac­turing and/or pack­aging.

Thanks to its native char­ac­ter­istics, drinking alcohol is a wonderful natural preser­vative, not only directly in the product, but also as a natural disin­fectant in pack­aging. Addit­ives such as natur­ally-occur­ring dena­turing agents (such as lactic acid) further broadens the range of features ethanol has to offer.

Product range4x5l
tank truck
Beverage alcoholXXXXX
Beverage alcohol, 96%, 9 l lactic acid XXX 
Ethanol 96%, EPXXXXX
Ethanol 96%, EP, 1l MEKXXXXX
Ethanol 96%, EP, 0,5kg DEP  XXX
Ethanol 99%, EPXXXXX
Ethanol 99%, EP., 1l MEKXXXXX
BioPremium  XXXX
Ethanol with indi­vidual dean­tur­a­tion  XX 

If you cannot find the right grade for your food or flavour needs here, please get in touch with us! 

Use of ethanol in flavouring

Our ethanol forms the basis for produc­tion to meet the ever increasing demand for flavours, whether that is as an extrac­tion agent or a liquid ingredient.

Customers in the flavour industry use neutral ethanol to produce, among other things, extracts from fruits and plants. Thanks to its char­ac­ter­istics, our ethanol brings out the natural flavours and aromas in raw ingredi­ents. By adding func­tional denat­ur­a­tion agents (e.g. MEK) the produc­tion process can be sped up.

Our ethanol can also be used as an ingredient in flavours or pastes to improve the product.

Our BioPremium can also be used in the manu­fac­turing of essen­tial oils. 

Product range4x5l
tank truck
Beverage alcoholXXXXX
Beverage alcohol, 96%, 9 l lactic acid XXX 
Ethanol 96%, EPXXXXX
Ethanol 96%, EP, 1l MEKXXXXX
Ethanol 96%, EP, 0,5kg DEP  XXX
Ethanol 99%, EPXXXXX
Ethanol 99%, EP., 1l MEKXXXXX
BioPremium  XXXX
Ethanol with indi­vidual denat­ur­a­tion  XX 

If you cannot find the right grade for your flavour needs here, please get in touch with us! 

Contact persons

Philip Kelber

Sales Manager

Tel.: +49 7131 1575-806

Fax: +49 7131 15 75-888

philip.kelber (at)

Linda Hegele


Tel.: +49 7131 1575-807

Fax: +49 7131 15 75-888

linda.hegele (at)