Purchasing Brüggemann­Alcohol

Do you manufacture ethanol? We are looking for ethanol.

At our two recti­fying plants at our sites in Heil­bronn and Witten­berg, we can process different qual­ities of ethanol, raw alcohol, process alcohol, etc. We are inter­ested in almost all quality levels: Ethanol made from fermenting process, deal­co­hol­isa­tion or from alcohol-containing residual currents.

In order to keep offering our range of products and deliver them on time we are continu­ously on the lookout for suppliers who can support us in main­taining consist­ently high quality and supply stand­ards for our customers.

Sustain­ab­ility in purchasing

For us, sustain­ab­ility in the supply chain means short distances and resource-conserving processes. We focus on German and European part­ners. In addi­tion to quality, compli­ance with legal and social stand­ards and main­taining long-term rela­tion­ships are important.

Trans­par­ency is another crucial aspect in our rela­tion­ships with suppliers. Every new raw alcohol supplier is asked through a ques­tion­naire according to our quality stand­ards. Compli­ance with the quality stand­ards relevant to us is an important aspect for us in order to qualify a new supplier: Sample inspec­tions and test deliv­eries are elements of the approval process.

Our suppliers are regu­larly audited to ensure that they adhere to our stand­ards, even in the long term. During these audits we strive to work with the supplier to ensure on-going quality and support them in making any changes which are neces­sary for us.

Would you also like contribute to the crucial connec­tion with Brüggemann­Alcohol?

Then contact our purchasing depart­ment!

Contact person

Timo Friedrich

General Manager

Tel.: +49 7131 15 75-801

Fax: +49 7131 15 75-888

timo.friedrich (at) brueggemann.com

Michael Schöllmann


Tel.: +49 7131 15 75-173

Fax: +49 7131 15 75-888

michael.schöllmann (at) brueggemann.com