Pharmacies Universities and Hospitals Brüggemann­Alcohol

GMP, PURIUS® or ALKOPHARM: Count on us for your supply

Do you need ethanol for use in your phar­macy, univer­sity, hospital, insti­tute or another organ­isa­tion? Rather than bulk product in a tanker, would you prefer your ethanol to be in smaller, more easily handled quant­ities and keep the same quality and sensor stand­ards? Our products are avail­able from 5 or 30 l onwards.

Over­view of the small containers we have avail­ableContainer sizes
Beverage alcohol
  • 4x5l can
  • 30l cans
  • 200l drum
  • 1.000l IBC
Ethanol 96%, EP or GMP
Ethanol 99%, EP or GMP
Ethanol 96%, tech­nical
Ethanol 99%, tech­nical
Ethanol with indi­vidual denat­ur­a­tion

We also have: 

  • Our Purius®, beverage alcohol, in a prac­tical 1 l plastic bottle
  • Our disin­fectant range  Alko­pharm

Find out more inform­a­tion on the following pages. If you have a special request, get in touch with us. We are looking forward to hearing from you!


More than 1,000 phar­macists trust our range of ethanol products, which has been specially designed to meet their needs and applic­a­tions. Our main area of focus is on easy to handle pack­aging - of course without comprom­ising the sens­itive phar­ma­ceut­ical quality

Whether you want to sell the alcohol direct to your customers or use it in formulas, we have the right quality for you:

ProductBeverage alcohol, 
96%, undena­tured
Ethanol, 70% or 96%, EP, undena­turedEthanol, 96%, GMP, undena­tured
 1 litre plastic bottle (Purius®)  
 4 x 5 litre cans (20 litre minimum order) 4 x 5 Liter cans (20 litre minimum order)  
 30 litre cans30 litre cans30 litre cans
UseSuit­able for direct sale to your customers*1Use in medi­cines, formulas, solu­tions*2Use in medi­cines, formulas, solu­tions*2

*1 avail­able with liquor tax
*2 for tax-free use with a permit or with liquor duty

  • The ethanol is supplied in dispos­able containers - with free delivery - directly to your phar­macy.
  • Delivery usually takes 4 to 5 busi­ness days.
  • Have we piqued your interest? Then get in touch with us today
    • You can use our order form, which is avail­able on the right for you to down­load – simply fill it in and fax it to us
    • Write us via the contact form
    • Or you call your personal contact, Heike Aker­mann at +49 (0)7131/1575-808

     and we will get to work on your order today.

Hospitals, Univer­sities, Insti­tu­tutes & Others

Hospitals, univer­sities, insti­tutes or other companies – each one has different require­ments for our ethanol. Whether it is for cleaning, scientific research or conser­va­tion – we have the right quality for your applic­a­tion, dena­tured or not. 

The ethanol is supplied in dispos­able containers - with free delivery - directly to you. 

Delivery usually takes 4 to 5 busi­ness days

A selec­tion of our products and their uses which may be applic­able to you can be found below:

ProductContainer sizes 
Alko­pharm Disin­fectantSkin and hand disin­fectantBoxes of 12 bottles, each 1,000 ml
Ethanol, 96%, EP or GMP, undena­turedHospital phar­ma­cies: Use in formulas

from 4x5l cans

(20 l minimum order)

Ethanol,100%, EP or GMP, undena­turedSolvent

Ethanol, 96%

dena­tured with 1 l MEK

  • Cleaning
  • Uses for solu­tions


dena­tured with 1 l MEK

Ethanol, 96%

dena­tured with 1 l benzine

  • Produc­tion of scientific compounds for teaching purposes
  • For chem­ical testing
  • Manu­fac­ture/storage/ster­il­isa­tion of medi­cinal suture material
from 30l cans


dena­tured with 1 l benzine


Is the product you are looking for not listed or do you need help deciding which quality is suit­able for your needs?

Get in touch with us. Your personal contact Heike Aker­mann (Tel: +49 (0)7131/1575-808) will be happy to help!

Alko­pharm Disin­fectant

Some­times simple formulas are all that is needed – alcohol and water: Alko­pharm is an alcohol-based disin­fectant range for the skin and hands: we have Alko­pharm 70 and Alko­pharm 80 in our range for you. 

Our Alko­pharm products are suit­able for disin­fecting skin, hands and surfaces as well as for using on compresses. Alko­pharm 70 and Alko­pharm 80 are clas­si­fied as medi­cinal products as per the AMG (Arzneimit­tel­ge­setz [German Medi­cines Law]). They dry quickly without residue and are also free from color­ants and flavours.

Boxes of Alko­pharm are avail­able with 12 bottles, each with 1,000 ml.

Alko­pharm 70Hygienic hand disin­fectant as well as cold compresses
Alko­pharm 80Hygienic hand disin­fectant, skin disin­fectant prior to simple injec­tions and punc­turing of peri­pheral vessels, as well as cold compresses

Get in touch with us. Your personal contact Heike Aker­mann (Tel: +49 (0)7131/1575-808) will be happy to help!

Alko­pharm 70

Applic­a­tion: Hygienic hand disin­fectant, as well as cold compresses.

Active ingredient: Ethanol 70% (V/V) dena­tured with Butan-2-on (methyl ethyl ketone).

Contrain­dic­a­tions: Ethanol dena­tured with Butan-2-on (methyl ethyl ketone) is not suit­able for disin­fecting large, open wounds.

Side effects: When rubbing the skin with ethanol 70% (V/V) which has been dena­tured with Butan-2-on (methyl ethyl ketone), rashes or mild burning may occur.


  • Only for external use.
  • Highly flam­mable!
  • Keep away from sources of igni­tion!
  • Protect from fire. Do not smoke.
  • Store tightly closed.
  • Do not store above room temper­ature.
  • Protect from strong sunlight.

If the product should spill, neces­sary meas­ures to prevent fire and explo­sion are to be taken. Such meas­ures include, for example, absorp­tion of any spilt fluids and dilu­tion with water, aera­tion of the room as well as the removal of any sources of igni­tion.

“For the risks and side effects, read the label and talk to your doctor or phar­macist”


Alko­pharm 80

Applic­a­tion: Hygienic hand disin­fectant, skin disin­fectant prior to simple injec­tions and punc­turing of peri­pheral vessels, as well as cold compresses.

Active ingredient: Ethanol 80 % (V/V) dena­tured with Butan-2-on (methyl ethyl ketone)

Contrain­dic­a­tions: Ethanol dena­tured with Butan-2-on (methyl ethyl ketone) is not suit­able for disin­fecting large, open wounds.

Side effects: When rubbing the skin with ethanol 80% (V/V) which has been dena­tured with Butan-2-on (methyl ethyl ketone), rashes or mild burning may occur.


  • Only for external use.
  • Highly flam­mable!
  • Keep away from sources of igni­tion!
  • Protect from fire. Do not smoke.
  • Store tightly closed.
  • Do not store above room temper­ature.
  • Protect from strong sunlight.

If the product should spill, neces­sary meas­ures to prevent fire and explo­sion are to be taken. Such meas­ures include, for example, absorp­tion of any spilt fluids and dilu­tion with water, aera­tion of the room as well as the removal of any sources of igni­tion.

“For the risks and side effects, read the label and talk to your doctor or phar­macist”



Any ques­tions regarding the qual­ities? Can't decide between the Alko­pharm speci­al­ities? - We would be pleased to assist you as your supporting partner.

Beverage alcohol in a 1 litre bottle: our Purius®

...the smal­lest we have for your biggest needs! Time is always short. It needs to be managed effect­ively and not wasted unne­ces­sarily! With our Purius® range, we save you the time that you do not have to waste decanting larger quant­ities of drinking alcohol. 

What would it mean to you if you did not have to decant your ethanol any more, without having to compromise the analyt­ical purity and sensory features you are used to? These advant­ages and more are yours with our Purius ® drinking alcohol (recti­fied spirit) 96%, undena­tured, in a 1 litre plastic bottle.

Addi­tional bene­fits for you:  

  • Avail­able from just 6 bottles
  • Small sizes allow for easy dosing
  • Bottles are recyc­lable, making them envir­on­ment­ally friendly and sustain­able
  • Quick and reli­able delivery
  • Filled using the IFS standard: high quality, trans­par­ency and docu­ment­a­tion
  • Batch on every label

Whether for your phar­macy or labor­atory, or for direct sales to end customers, our Purius® brings you extra bene­fits for your applic­a­tion. 

Are you inter­ested in the smal­lest we have? Get in touch with us. We are happy to advise you or make you an offer. 

Are you a whole­saler and would like to add Purius® to your range? We will gladly be at your disposal for personal support.

Contact person

Heike Akermann


Tel.: +49 7131 1575-808

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75-888

heike.akermann (at)