Ready, Set, Go: We are ready für 2022!

Chal­len­­ging, volatile and successful - that's how we would describe our Bruegge­­mann year. The 2021 finish line has been reached - we are ready for 2022!

Indus­trial Chem­icals and Plastic Addit­ives

The two busi­­ness units, indus­trial chem­icals and plastic addit­ives, exper­­i­enced high demand, espe­­cially at the begin­ning of last year. Such strong demand in the first quarter was excep­­tional and continued throughout the year. However, although produc­­tion was running at full speed all year round to meet demand, unre­li­­able supply chains, diffi­­culties in the trans­­port market and rising raw material prices made fulfilling customer orders chal­len­­ging.


Widely fluc­tu­ating needs and supply bottle­­necks char­ac­ter­­­ized the alcohol year 2021. Once again it became clear how important it is to be flex­ible and diver­­si­fied. Thanks to our two plants, in Heil­bronn and Luth­er­­stadt Witten­berg, and a total storage capa­­city of around 20,000 m³, we were able to buffer the unusu­ally strong fluc­tu­a­tions and were able to deliver at all times.

For 2022 we expect a situ­a­tion similar to 2021 and have prepared as best we can in all areas - it remains exciting!

Upcoming Fairs and Confer­­ences

The Corona Pandemic has once again had a major impact on our work and personal life. We hope that the pandemic situ­a­tion will allow more personal exchanges again this year. In all prob­­ab­ility, there will be an excel­lent oppor­­tunity for a personal meeting at the K trade fair from October 19th to 26th, 2022 in Düssel­­dorf, the DKT - German Rubber Confer­­ence from June 27th to 30th, 2022 in Nurem­berg, the Chin­a­­plas from April 25th to 28th, 2022 in Shanghai, China and the Amer­­ican Coat­ings Show from April 5th to 7th 2022 in Indi­ana­­polis, USA.


The company already addressed the topic of sustain­­ab­ility in 2021 and it will be one of the central topics in 2022.

Elec­tro­­mobility leads to changed require­­ments in the auto­­motive sector. For the higher current load in elec­tric motors, plastic addit­ives are required that do not cause corro­­sion, are flame retardant and can tolerate high temper­­at­ures. One of several newly developed addit­ives in the field, BRUG­GOLEN® TP-H2062, meets the stated require­­ments. We have also initi­ated some product devel­op­­ments in the area of ​​re­­cyc­ling. The addit­ives BRUG­GOLEN® TP-R2090 and R8895 were developed for PP recyc­ling. Further addit­ives are currently being developed for PE recyc­ling. 

Would you like to find out more about our product devel­op­­ments? Contact us!

An important component of our sustain­­ab­ility program is the purchase of raw mater­­ials. Thanks to our water connec­­tion, a total of 140 tank truck trans­­ports were replaced with 3 ship deliv­eries. Compared to a 40-ton artic­u­lated lorry, an inland waterway vessel consumes less than a third of the energy (source: Federal Envir­on­­ment Agency). This results in a CO2 reduc­­tion compared to conven­­tional road trans­­port.

In 2022, Bruegge­­mann will build a biomass heating plant at the Heil­bronn site in close prox­imity to the produc­­tion in order to cover its own process heat require­­ments. As a result, Bruegge­­mann will signi­fic­antly reduce its fossil CO2 foot­­print as early as 2023 and make an active contri­bu­­tion to the energy trans­i­tion.


At the end of 2021 we said goodbye two of our managing directors, Dr. Josef Berg­hofer and Joachim Hofmann, who have managed the company very success­­fully in recent years. Their successor is Dr. Stefan Laetsch, who has been the company's managing director since April last year. Among other things, Dr. Laetsch brings signi­ficant inter­­n­a­­tional exper­­i­ence and will continue to drive forward the inter­­n­a­­tion­al­­iz­a­­tion and growth of the company with the entire Bruegge­­mann team.

The year 2021 is over. The finish line has been crossed. We are in the starting blocks and look forward to the next chal­lenge - the year 2022 - and we say: Ready, Set, Go!

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